ON-LINE SIGNUP IS AVAILABLE - Tuesday after each event until Saturday at 1p on race weekend. Sometimes it will be open longer. If you see the Online Signup drop down page, that means it is still open.
We no longer send email confirmation.
Step 1: If you are a new Member - Visit the Online Membership page and complete the steps listed.
Step 2: If you are already a paid Member - Complete the steps listed below.
Step 3: At every event, you must visit the Online Signup window to sign the waiver and let us know you are attending. No paperwork is needed except a minor release form if you have a minor. If you don't check in at the trailer, you will not be entered into the event for scoring.
** If a race is postponed due to weather, your entry will move to the next race **
** If you online signup for a race and do not race, you must visit the signup trailer for a refund that day **
** Online signup does not roll to the next event except for weather delays **
** Online Signup is $2 less than Race Day Signup **
If any technical issues please text or call John at 704-437-2720