sponsored by Palmer Husqvarna GasGas in Denver, NC

2024 Awards List for the Banquet

YES We are having the Banquet on 1/12.

The year end NCHSA Awards Event is Sunday, January 12th at the Statesville Civic Center.

300 South Center St, Statesville, NC

Cost: $10 per person age 8up - Pay at the door cash or credit (covers the cost of facility) 

We will work down the list from top to bottom. The order of events will be Special Recognition & Announcements, Pee Wee, Mini D, Mini A, Noon Race, 3p Race. 

Doors open at 11:45a with awards beginning at 1pm. We will conclude by 4pm. Light snacks and drinks will be included.

Please make arrangments to have someone pick up your award if you are not attending. The dress is casual or whatever you choose. Seating is round tables of 8-10 per table. There is a stage for photos. You can take photos before and during the awards. You are welcome to go up on the stage from 11:45p-1p to take photos.

We will have a 50/50 raffle (typically about $800 total and $400 to the winner), Clothing, Hats, Tie Downs, Umbrellas and other misc stuff. Also will have NCHSA shirts and hoodies for sale. There will be sponsors set up from 12-1p. 

All Hoodie $35, Long Sleeve $25, T-Shirt $15 awards will be in the form of a voucher. You will redeem that voucher at the T-Shirt table at the banquet. You can trade up or down the voucher if you choose. For example if you are 6th place with a $15 T-shirt voucher you can redeem that on a Hoodie and pay the extra $15 in cash totaling the Hoodie retail of $35. Or you could trade a $35 Hoodie voucher for 2 T-shirts totaling $35 in value. You can select and redeem your voucher before the banquet or anytime during the banquet.

They will have a list of awards at the T-shirt tables.     

We will be distributing over 200 awards totaling nearly $40,000 in value. 

Pro Class (Total Payout $3,000):1st-$1500, 2nd-$600, 3rd-$400, 4th-$300, 5th-$200


Pee Wee - Trophy, Goggles, Stickers, etc.. 


All other Classes:

1st place - Championship Jacket, Giant Trophy, $125 Cor Moto Graphics Certificate, Free 2025 Membership

2nd place - Giant Trophy, $55 Graphics Cert from Cor Moto, Motion Pro Sag Scale , NCHSA Hoodie Certificate

3rd place - Big Trophy, Motion Pro T-Handle Set, Beed Buddy, NCHSA Long-sleeve Tshirt Certificate

4th place - Nice Trophy, Motion Pro Tire Spoons, NCHSA Short-sleeve Tshirt Certificate

5th place & all other places receive a Nice Trophy & NCHSA Short-sleeve shirt Certificate


All NCHSA Members with at least 10 rounds will qualify. We will count your best 11 rounds.   


If you have any problems, please text or call John at 704-437-2720